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The Next Business Meeting of our 2025 season will be held
on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2025 AT 10:00 AM
(park in the side lot on Windermere St., and enter through the side door.)
(Note: There are no business meetings in December, or in June, July, and August.
October -- Fredia Cox, Suzanne Maxwell
November -- Toni Cappuccio, Madonna Lane
(No meeting in Dec.)
January 2025 -- Nancy Cox, Christie Crahnak
February -- Kay Nunnery, Jai Wangsai
March -- Mary Ellen Wolf, Mariposa Marangia
April -- Roseann Gomez, Monique Moore
May -- Shirley Conrad, Shianne DeTamble
(No meeting in June)
Paint Box Guild Business Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2025
President, Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:05. Red flag attention in need of a volunteer to plan our Fall trip.
Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, reminded members to sign in at each meeting. Each member is required to attend 3 meetings a year.
Secretary, Patti Brougham, had no report.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, noted a balance of $2657.60. Old coffee pot replaced.
Webmaster, Suzanne Maxwell, can display 4 paintings of each member in the Members Gallery on the web page. Just send her your pictures, no glare, to
To access the PBG website on a cell phone- type in on the homepage in the upper left hand corner are 3 horizontal lines- click on those and the menu will appear, choose your category.
To access on a laptop or computer- the menu will appear automatically and you can access the category needed.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a full membership of 40.
Introducing new and newer members: Judy Ostenaa ( watercolor and oil )
Christie Drahnak (watercolor). Mary Paschall (charcoal and graphite), Marge Harper (oil and acrylic), Micheon Oklar (print, gouache, oil, pastel) and Theresa Malone (oil). One person is on the wait list.
Workshop Chairs Jai Wangsai and Merrie Wicks announced the February 19 date with abstract realism and Ianoty. Materials list is on the website.
Pick up paintings at St. Andrew’s Church after the workshop.
Exhibit Chair, Linda Libby, related upcoming exhibits:
St. Andrew’s Church Hang Friday, January 10, 8-8:30am Take down February 19, 4-4:30pm Sunday reception January 12, 10-12 bring food.
Littleton Hospital ( part of hospital under construction) April- juried by Mary Williams.
Bemis Library Annual Juried Show- Drop off May 1, 10-11 am, Sunday, May 4, reception 2-4 pm. Perspective for this show will be sent out soon with all of the Valuable information needed. Please read carefully.
Littleton Cafe- the PBG place to hang ( check website for specific hanging dates )- PBG gets 5% of sale/ Littleton Cafe 15%. Artists Toni Cappuccio and Sharon Chinn sold paintings.
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva (recovering from knee replacement surgery) asked Merrie Wicks to introduce Linda Libby as this month’s presenter.
Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, explained the color coded system of our library. Members can check out books on the honor system. Don”t forget the DVD selection.
Summer Plein Aire Wednesday Paint Out Scheduler, Tony Cappuccio is working on our upcoming summer of painting.
Old Business Revisited-Roseann Gomez has been working on the high cost of ribbons for our juried show. After much discussion, it was presented and voted on that starting in 2025- the cost for entering one painting is $10. If an additional painting is entered, the cost of that second painting is $5. No more than 2 paintings per member for this show.
New Business- Bob Torgenson brought several painting carriers left at the Littleton Cafe. Please claim your bag. He shared acquired information that the prices for our work are too high. Each artist makes the decision as to the price of each painting. Remember the cafe gets 15% and PBG gets 5%. Your art-Your price
11:15 Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham, Secretary
​​​​​​Paint Box Guild Business Meeting Minutes
​November 2024
President, Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:00am on this snowy day. A quorum was present.
Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, had no report.
Secretary, Patti Brougham, amended the treasurer’s balance to $2762.34 for the month of October.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, started this month of November with the balance of $2902.68. The Miniature Show proceeds were $687.00. The breakdown of this money is tabulated in Linda’s bookkeeping notes.
See Linda if you need further information.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a 38 member roster. That means there are 2 places available. Contact Richard if you know of someone who would like to be a part of The Guild. Long-standing member, Ann Neal, has chosen to be placed in the Emeritus Category.
Workshop Co-Chairs, Jai Wangsai and Merrie Wicks, reported that November 20th will be the workshop with Cliff Austin. He will be demonstrating using acrylics. He will lecture part of the time on Perspective. The recommended supplies list is on the website
( )
Exhibits Chairs Linda Libby was not present but Shianne DeTamble filled in and related the schedule.
Remember: each member in The Guild is required to exhibit in two shows per year. Before each Exhibit, Linda Libby, will send out a blank list to be filled in with the information for the work the artist will be showing at that particular show. Also, because some of the PBG labels have been mysteriously “detached” from paintings, please attach a second PBG label to the back of your painting in case we need to replace “a tag”.
October- The Buck Center- thank you to Fredia, Kathy and Bob for your help. There were 3 paintings sold- Kathryn Leach sold 1 and Christie Drahnak sold 2.
November- Goodson Center was installed on November 1 thanks to Shianne DeTamble and Roseann Gomez. Take down will be on Friday, November 29 with Roseann’s guidance.
December- no exhibit. *However, PBG members will hang paintings at The Littleton Cafe starting December 4. Check details in the New Business section for details.*
January install 2 shows:
Columbine Library install is on January1. Takedown January 31. 15 paintings needed.
St Andrew’s Church install is January 10. ( drop off between 8-8:30am )
Takedown February 19. 60 to 70 paintings needed. If anyone would like to use the glass display case in the church, please contact Linda Libby asap.
February- no exhibits
March -no exhibits
April Littleton Hospital- you are asked to submit a photo of your work before this Exhibit. Further details will be published as we near this Show.
More than likely the theme has something to do with “Well Being”. Use your creative juices and make art.
May- PBG Juried Show at Bemis Library- More details as we get closer to this Show.
Social Chairs, Bob Torgerson and Mary Ellen Wolf have the Olive Garden
Restaurant cater our December Luncheon, Wednesday, December 4 at Noon at the Church. The cost is $25.00. A gift exchange will take place after we eat. Gift wrap one of your paintings ( 8x10 or less ) or other original gift and bring it for the exchange. Bring a gift, get a gift. Appetizers and Desserts will be s upplied by us. Check the website for further information.
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced member Madonna Lane.
Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, did not attend but thanks to Madonna Lane, Toni Cappuccio and Nancy Smyth we had a wonderful array of food.
Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, was busy sending cards to Marie Bouziane to lift her spirits, thank you cards to Beth and Monique for heading up a successful fall trip to Glen Eyrie, Madonna Lane for the loss of her sister, Elinor, the Church secretary retiring after being here for 19 years and Harry P. recovering from Covid.
Webmaster, Suzanne Maxwell, continues to keep our website current and full of information -
Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, was absent.
Summer Plein Air Chair, Tony Cappuccio, is busy looking for places to paint this summer.
Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia ( ). Please send images to her topost on our Instagram account.
New Business
Littleton Cafe : Bob Torgerson and Dorothy Fitzgerald are our PBG monitors for this continuing show of our art work. Any and all communication about this particular venue goes through Bob only. Each installment will hang for 3 months starting December 4-Installation is at 1:30 after our luncheon.
There are places between the windows in the restaurant that can hang small paintings- miniatures. And as of now, no paintings larger than 16x20 can hang on other walls.
A commission of 20% will be placed on each piece-15% to the restaurant and 5% to PBG, the rest goes to the artist.
The name of your painting and the price will be printed on a sheet to be kept at the register. A filled in PBG card is attached to the back. On the front right corner of the frame a white circular sticker ( Bob has them ) will be placed with the price.
Collaborative Arts of Littleton has been established to promote Littleton as an art district. Further discussion will evolve in January especially about how we can possibly use and work with them for the benefit of our Guild.
Old Business- Roseann Gomez has been investigating prices for the ribbons used at our Juried Show. After much discussion, it was decided to gather more information and discuss the issue in January.
Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham. Secretary
Paint Box Guild October Business Meeting Minutes 2024
President, Joan Zivic, discussed the fact that we were short on funds ($70) after the last PBG Juried Show. We charge $10.00 as the entry fee. Our discussion turned to what we could do to scale down the show but present a quality show at the same time. The issue was tabled until more information could be be gathered, especially concerning the amount of money spent on ribbons. Richard Simpson and Roseanne Gomez are investigating our options and will be presented at a later meeting.
The other issue is the lack of participation on the Wednesdays that we are not utilizing the Church for workshops or business meetings. It was suggested that those participating in painting at the Church on these days keep the conversations upbeat and positive. Let the room radiate “ ART “!
Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, reminded members to sign in at every business meeting. Each member has to attend 3 meetings per PBG year-September 2024-May 2024.
Secretary, Patti Brougham, discovered many of the members are not getting the business meeting notes each month. This problem will be investigated.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, as of today, our balance is $1,308.33. We owe the Church $750.00 for rent for the rest of the year. She explained that each workshop needs to be full so the deficit does not come out of our treasury.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a roster of 38 members. We sadly said goodbye to Beth Collins, Ruth Miles, Betty Carr and Rochelle White as active members. Two new members present at this meeting are Margie Harper and Teresa Maone. Welcome to The Guild! New members will receive a name badge but if any current member needs a replacement, please contact Richard.
Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, reminded us of the October 16th workshop with Desmond O’Hagan, who creates art using oils and also pastels. Further information about materials will be emailed to those who sign up.
Exhibit Chair, Linda Libby, and helpers hung 29 paintings at the Buck Center. Take down is October 31st. Goodson Center is November.
January has a show at Columbine Library and a show at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church. April-June at Littleton Adventist Hospital, and in May, the Paint Box Guild Juried Show at Bemis Library. Check the PBG website for more information paintboxguild/
Need to know requirements for hanging in a show: 1. D hooks are to be used when attaching wire to the back of the frame. Wrap the ends of the wire with tape. 2. The back of the painting must have a card attached with your information on it (like the card on the front right hand side of the frame). 3. Tape a PBG card on the back side of the painting so that it can drop down on the right hand side and your information can be presented. A piece of putty or tape can hold it in place on the back until the painting is hung and the card will hang below the frame. 4. Gallery Wrapped Canvas- 1 3/8” is acceptable in some places BUT 2” is preferred at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church. The sides must be painted and some prefer the artist extend the scene around the edges. Check with the website. 5. Before an exhibit, your painting information can be emailed to Linda Libby.This sign- in sheet will be present at the exhibit for check in.
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced Toni Cappuccio as our member to tell us about her art journey
Social Chair, Bob Torgerson, is working on catering our luncheon on Wednesday, December. 4th, at the Church. We decided to have the Olive Garden Restaurant work their magic.
As of today, the cost would be $21.00 per person but this is not set in stone. Bob will check with the policy of the establishment to see if we can bring in appetizers and desserts. Again, check the PBG website for an update.
Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Fredia Cox and Suzanne Maxwell for the goodies brought today.
Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, has been busy sending cards to members who need our support. If you know of a member who could use some hugs, let BJ know.
Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, explained the policies concerning our PBG library located in the first cupboard at the east end of the room. Members are encouraged to use the library on the honor system. DVDs will be coming.
Webmaster and Facebook Chair, Suzanne Maxwell, can post 4 paintings per member on our website. Send photos of your paintings ( no glare from glass ) to Suzanne at and she will work her magic.
To access the Facebook page, Paint Box Guild, contact Suzanne and she will let you in.
Plein-air Summer Chair, Toni Cappuccio had no report.
Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia, operates our Instagram app. Let her know if you need to post something.
She puts information out about our exhibits on The Community Page for no fee.
Fall Trip Wrap-up at Glen Eyrie by Berth Narva recapped our trip in September. Suggestions for next year’s trip include Glen Isle or Grand Lake. Looking for a member organize the 2025 trip.
Old Business- sales at Littleton Adventist Hospital: 4 paintings by Mary Ellen Wolfe and 1 by Kay Nunnery. Madonna Lane sold a painting at Columbine Library.
New Business- We have acquired a new place to exhibit our art, the Littleton Cafe, 1409 West Littleton Boulevard. We are looking for 1 member to be the curator for this venue. Hanging a painting here does NOT count towards the 2 required exhibits per year per member. The paintings will hang approximately 3 months before a new group of paintings will be hung. Further discussion is coming. The chairs will be Dorothy Fitzgerald and Bob Torgerson. Thanks for volunteering.
Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham
September 2, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes​
President, Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:03 am. She welcomed everyone back to the start of a new year of getting together and making and exhibiting great art.
Vice-President, Shirley Conrad, reminded everyone to be sure to sign in when you attend a business meeting. You are required to attend three business meetings a PBG year from September 2024-May 2025.
Secretary, Patti Brougham, mentioned our last meeting in May 2023 and those notes can be accessed on line at the PGG website ( ). The notes from this year will also be posted on the site.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, presented a handout of the Guilds treasure report. She reminded members that dues of $50.00 need to be received today if not already paid. The actual balance today, after paying our rent, will probably be a total of $800.00. A 2023-2024 financial report is available for anyone interested.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a full roster of forty members. Donna Hartman will be moving to Houston in the near future and Christie Drahnak ( is joining us. Good-bye and best of luck to Donna and welcome Christie.
Workshop Chair Members, Merrie Wicks and Jai Wangsai, told us about the upcoming October 16th workshop with Desmond O’Hagan. He is a Colorado artist who is known for his cityscapes and works in pastel and oil. More information to come.
In November we will welcome back, Cliff Austin. A great number of members requested Cliff give us a lesson on perspective for part of the workshop and then work from our own reference ( a perspective challenge ) for the afternoon. More information will be coming.
Exhibit Chair Members, Beth Collins and Linda Libby, presented a full but TENTATIVE schedule for our shows this year. Members please check the website ( for updates as to our exhibits. As of today, the list of upcoming shows is:
Buck Center Hang October 1 Take down October 31
Goodson Center Hang November 1 Take down November 29
St. Andrew’s Church Hang January 10 Take down February 19
Littleton Hospital. Hang April?
El Mason Restaurant. Hang ?
Bemis Juried Show. Hang May
Please check the website as updated information about these venues will be posted!!!!!!!!!
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, did not present anyone today. She is busy coordinating the fall trip!
Social Chair ????????? No one has stepped up to chair this event so discussion of possible choices was presented:
Go to a restaurant, pot luck at the Church or have the luncheon catered at the Church, or do nothing! After talking and voting the consensus was to have the December luncheon partially catered and have everyone attending bring a side dish to share. Thankfully, Bob and Mary Ellen took on this challenge………..thank you so much!
Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked BJ McLean, Merrie Wicks and Pam Mason for treating us to a welcoming buffet of treats this morning. Please sign up with helping out with the business meeting treats by signing up for a month.
Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, has sent many cards to members, thanking them for several different things.
Webmaster, Suzanne Maxwell, talked about accessing the PBG website by using, If accessing using your iPhone, when the web page appears, there are three bars in the upper left side, click there and the menu will drop down for you to access the different sections. Suzanne updates the web daily. The closed page presenting the roster can only be accessed with a password. Check with a member for that password. There is also a gallery area where members can present four of their own works. Take a picture with your IPhone ( glass free-glare free ) and send it to Suzanne at and she will post it.
Facebook Facilitator, Suzanne Maxwell, is the person who will let you in the app. Contact her if you want to be a part of it.
Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, was not present, but Joan Zivic talked about our extensive library. You borrow a book on the honor system. Take it, use it and bring it back.
Plein Air Chairs, Donna Hartman and Mary Ellen Wolfe, had a successful summer of painting outside at different locations, Since Donna is leaving, Toni Capuccio will step in to help.
Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia, watches over our Instagram account. She requests the artist present a short note as to what your inspiration was for the painting. She will also contact the powers that be to announce our PBG exhibits.
Old Business- Urban Sketching on Thursday morning10:00-12:00. Contact Mariposa to join.
New Business- voted to keep the starting time of our monthly business meetings at 10:00am
Since Donna Hartman is leaving, we send her off on her new journey is=n Houston and wish her the best. There is a ‘Going Away’ cake in the kitchen.
Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham
May Business Meeting Minutes
Secretary, Patti Brougham, amended the April business meeting notes
with the balance.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, reported a balance of $1611.00. We were short
$66.00 for our juried show costs.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, has a full 40 membership now,
however, Gabriella Jaramillo will be moving to Mexico City at the end of
the month, leaving one spot available.
It was restated that if a member has a health issue, that person will be
given a one year grace period from all requirements required to maintain
an active membership.
If a member requires a replacement of his/her name tag there is a cost.
Check with Richard for details.
Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, is done with a successful year of
workshops. Thank you for your great choices for instructors, Jai.
Exhibit Chairs, Beth Collins and Linda Libby, reminded members of the
PBG Juried Show Reception on Sunday, May 5 from 2-4 pm. This
installation hangs until the end of May.
At the Littleton Adventist Hospital, members Mary Ellen Wolfe and
Roseann Gomez sold paintings.
The last hanging for our group until the Fall, is at Columbine Library in July.
Please check the PBG website for further directions….Fredia Cox is in
charge of this show.
Zing Credit Union is updating its art presence. They will have an “Art Wall
Walk”. PBG has been asked to hang a show from October-December
If you are picking up a piece of art that belongs to a different artist, PLACE
YOUR INITIALS in the box for the pick up. The committee needs to know
WHO picked up that painting, not who painted the piece.Tabled for further discussion: Beth and Linda strongly suggested we have
a committee look into the idea of having a group established for each
installation before its hung. There would be a different group ready to
handle the drop off, installation and take down of that exhibit.
Also, each member would give information about the painting to hang in
the exhibit (title, artist’s name, medium, price and contact phone number)
before check in. All information would be put into a spread sheet and the
artist would just have to check in at the venue, all of the paperwork is done
ahead of time.
October 2024-Buck Center, November 2024-Goodson, January 2025
Columbine and St. Andrews mid January - February 2025. El Mason
Restaurant is being contacted.
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva, introduced Gabriella Jaramillo. We wish her
happiness and good fortune in this next step forward. We hope she will
keep in touch with us.
Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, is planing the Spring Luncheon for June 5 at
Lone Tree Golf Club. Send $30.00 to Linda Lippert if you are attending.
The list of entrees will be on the website for you to make your choice.
Refreshment Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Sharon Chinn and Donna
Hartman for today’s munchies.
Reminded members to bring the food they signed up to bring on Sunday,
May 5, for the reception.
Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, sent a card to Fredia who fell.
Webmaster and Member Extraordinaire Suzanne Maxwell, has made the
postcard invitations and poster and will produce the program for our juried
show. We are extremely thankful for all of her incredible work.
Check the website paintboxguild/littleton for all updates.
Library Chair, Sharon Chinn, reviewed the book by Joyce Pike, A Different
Approach to Oil Painting. We are in need of more books about oil painting
if anyone is cleaning out their art library. Books will be reviewed and
chosen for our library by Sharon.
Plein Aire Painting for the Summer Organizers, Mary Ellen Wolf and Donna
Hartman have a tentative schedule. The website will have listings of thedates and painting places. If the weather is questionable, check your
email for the latest information.
Fall Trip Coordinators, Beth Narva, Monique Moore and Roseann Gomez
will have information for those attending, after the business meeting.
Old Business -none
New Business- Mariposa Marangia has sent information about our Bemis Show to the media. Reporting upcoming exhibits to the media has changed quite a bit in the last few years. We are thankful to Mariposa for navigating this course for The Guild.
On Google Search put in paintboxguild/littleton to see the information for our Show.
11:20 end of meeting
Respectfully submitted by Patti Brougham
Paint Box Guild Business Meeting Minutes April 2024
President. Joan Zivic, called the meeting to order at 10:00am with an
announcement of the new Board of Directors and operating positions for
2024-2025. The nominating committee (Roseann G. Toni C. and Nancy
S.) filled all open seats except the social committee chair.
Vice-president, Shirley Conrad, reminded members they are to attend 3
business meetings and show their work in 2 Paint Box Guild sponsored art
exhibits. As of today, voted on and passed, a member who suffers a
major health event, is not required to fulfill these requirements for 1 year.
Secretary, Patti Brougham’s, March minutes passed.
Treasurer, Linda Lippert, could not sync her ipad to her computer to get
the latest money amount, but reassured the Guild we are okay.
Membership Chair, Richard Simpson, reported a full membership of 40
Workshop Chair, Jai Wangsai, announced the April workshop with Marjorie
Liggitt on Wednesday, April 17 from 10:00-3:00. Check the PBG website
( for details. The 2024-2025 workshop list is
coming together.
Exhibit Chairs, Linda Libby and Beth Collins, are busy getting PBG shows
together. For the latest information check the PBG website.
Now showing: Littleton Hospital
Coming up: PBG Juried Show at Bemis Library- drop off Tuesday, APRIL
30 at 10:30am. Have All paperwork ready and a fee of $10 for as many as
2 paintings per PBG artist. Sunday, May 5, 2-5 reception. Check website
for takedown date and time.
Castlerock Library takedown 12:00- April 29
Columbine Library, July- contact coordinator, Fredia Cox.
2024-2025 exhibit schedule TBA.
Social Chair, Evelyn Rockett, promoted the June Luncheon at the Lone
Tree Golf Club. Come ready to choose your entree and pay for our choice
at the May business meeting.
Refreshments Chair, Pam Mason, thanked Susan Yeager for treats.
A pizza party happens after this business meeting.
May 5- PBG Juried Show Reception 2-5- sign up to help with
Sunshine Chair, BJ McLean, has sent many cards to:
Ruth Miles who suffered a fall, Monique Moore for knee surgery, Marie
Bouziane had spinal surgery and Roseann’s fractured tail bone.
Spotlight Chair, Beth Narva’s spotlight artist Ruth Miles could not
participate due to a fall.
PBG Website and Facebook Page Chair, Suzanne Maxwell. Is constantly
updating our website with the latest PBG information.
Publicity Chair, Mariposa Marangia will post PBG member’s artwork on our
PBG Instagram account. Check with her for details. She will be posting
more information about our Guild.
There will be information posted about our Members Juried Show in May.
Summer Plein-Air Schedule Chairs, Mary Ellen Wolf and Donna Hartman,
are busy putting together a plan. Members will access this weekly
Wednesday schedule via PBG Website.
Fall Trip Chairs, Beth Narva and Monique Moore, will have a meeting after
the PBG May meeting. Bring your checkbook to pay for the remaining
deposit for our accommodations in September at Glen Eyre.
Old Business- None
New Business- The art group, The Depot, is hosting their Anniversary
Show at The Depot.
A committee will be put together to check into the possibility of creating a
Monthly 2025-2026 Planner to include PBG artwork-idea presented by
Mariposa Marangia.
A discussion about our 40 member limit was on going. No changes were
The Church is asking for a grant to refurbish their stained glass windows.
Groups who use their facilities are writing letters to support the effort.Meeting adjourned, 11:00.
Respectfullly submitted by Patti Brougham