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PB Guild By-Laws
To further the purposes set forth herein, the members agree to be, and hereby are, organized under these Articles of Association as a tax-exempt service and social club.
ARTICLE I. NAME: This organization, formed in 1973, is named Paint Box Guild, hereafter referred to as the Guild.
ARTICLE II. PURPOSE: The Guild will encourage artistic development through periodic workshops by qualified instructors, member critiques, public exhibitions (juried & non-juried), and opportunities for sales, gallery visits, and weekly studio space.
SECTION 1. Membership is open to both experienced and beginning painters.
SECTION 2. Active Members will attend at least three business meetings per year, exhibit with the Guild at least two times per year in juried or non-juried shows, hold full voting privileges, and serve as an officer and/or volunteer committee member. Active members may take part in all activities sponsored by the Guild.
SECTION 3. Emeritus Membership may be chosen by a member with five (5) years of Active Membership when the member wishes to remain connected to the Guild, but only attend social functions.
SECTION 4. Size of membership will be consistent with available workspace. The number will be set by a majority vote of Active Members in attendance at the time of the vote. A waiting list will be maintained when membership reaches its maximum.
SECTION 5. Prospective members may attend one meeting and one studio session before deciding about joining the Guild
ARTICLE IV. DUES: The Guild’s activities shall be funded through the use of annual membership dues, assessments, and fees charged to the individuals who take part in the Association’s various activities. Except for any excess fees refunded as provided hereafter, all the funds collected by the Guild shall be used by it to provide for the various activities permitted by these Articles.
SECTION 1. Dues for Active Members and Emeritus Members will be established by vote of the Active Members. Any change in dues will be proposed by the Treasurer and voted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Active Members in attendance at the time that the dues amount is determined. The dues amount will take effect on September 1, or immediately if a change in dues is warranted and voted on by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the active members present at the regular monthly meeting.
SECTION 2. The full year's dues are payable at the September meeting, or may be mailed to the Treasurer in the first two weeks of September. New members who join after January will pay 1/2 dues.
SECTION 3. Dues are non-refundable and must be paid regardless of attendance.
ARTICLE V. FINANCES: An annual budget will be prepared by the Treasurer and accepted by a majority vote of the Active Members at the October meeting. The budget will cover all operating expenses of the Guild and provide a reserve when possible.
SECTION 1. Officers have been members of the Guild for at least one year before nomination.
SECTION 2. The President will attend and conduct Guild meetings, oversee all Guild activities, appoint standing Committees, appoint ad hoc committees as needed, and maintain the Bylaws.
The principal office of the Association shall be at the home of the President of the group. The Association may have such other offices as may from time to time be designated by its members or its Executive Board.
SECTION 3. The Vice President will conduct Guild meetings in the absence of the President and perform other duties as needed in the absence of the President.
SECTION 4. The Secretary will keep the minutes of business meetings, records of business transacted, and Guild correspondence.
SECTION 5. The Treasurer will collect all dues and other fees, accurately maintain the Guild bank account, submit any required forms to the IRS, write checks for Guild obligations, submit financial reports at meetings, and maintain a list of paid members.
SECTION 6. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and immediate Past-President will constitute the Board of Directors, which will deliberate Guild policy and business before consideration by full Active Membership.
SECTION 1. The President will appoint a Nominating Committee of four members who will report their nominees for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer at the March meeting.
SECTION 2. Nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the nominating report with the approval of the nominees.
SECTION 3. New officers will be elected at the April meeting by majority vote of Active Members in attendance.
SECTION 4. The term of office is one year, July 1-June 30. Officers may serve more than one term.
SECTION 5. Vacancy in an elected office during the year will be filled by appointment by the President after consultation with remaining officers.
ARTICLE VIII. COMMITTEES: Committees will be appointed by the President. Each committee will have a chair plus the number of members necessary for the job. Members are encouraged to volunteer for the committee of their choice.
SECTION l. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE will orient new members to Guild activities, prepare an accurate roster of members for distribution to members, keep a waiting list for membership, recruit new members, and serve as contact person for prospective members.
SECTION 2. EXHIBITIONS COMMITTEE will coordinate Guild-sponsored exhibitions of members' paintings in juried and non-juried shows, by:
a. Preparing a written statement of exhibition policies for distribution to all members.
b. Scheduling and contracting for suitable sites.
c. Contracting with jurors
d. Designing exhibition lay-out and hanging paintings.
e. Keeping accurate records of paintings submitted for exhibition
f. Determining what awards will be given and acquiring ribbons, prizes, or other forms of recognition.
g. Producing announcements and catalogs of exhibitions.
SECTION 3. LIBRARY COMMITTEE will oversee the Guild's library collection for member use by maintaining a catalog file and borrowing system, accepting donated items, and selecting and acquiring materials when funds are appropriated by the Guild.
NOTIFICATION: After discussion and voting, the word POLICY was removed because this information is already stated in the Bylaws. It now reads: Proposed amendments to the Bylaws.
OUTINGS: Members need to sign a waiver of liability to attend various outings and annual trips. The membership unanimously voted to renew this waiver every five (5) years.
ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS: After deliberation of a change or changes to the Bylaws, a vote will be taken at the same meeting.