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PB Guild Mission Statement and Policies
The goals of the Paint Box Guild are to provide artistic support and camaraderie while encouraging the members to pursue individual accomplishments.
The policies and operating procedures of the Paint Box Guild, the “Guild,” in accordance with the bylaws are explained in this document. Policies may be amended by a majority vote of members in attendance at a monthly meeting.
1. Meeting/studio space is located in the First Presbyterian Church, Littleton Boulevard and Windermere in Littleton, Colorado.
2. The Guild is a “community mission” of the church, “subject to the rules and regulations of the governing board of the church, the Session, and entitled to the benefits and encouragement of being part of the church” (letter, 6/16/97, Mission Moderator, First Presbyterian Church).
3. The Guild may use the space, including the use of the kitchen, on Wednesdays, 10:00a.m.-3:00p.m. unless needed by the church on special occasions.
4. The Guild will pay a rental fee to the church for use of the space during the months of September through May.
5. Three locked cabinets are provided for storage of the Guild's library collection, table covers, coffee pot, refreshment supplies, and other Guild property.
1. A business meeting is held the first Wednesday of the month, September - November and January-May at 10:00a.m.
2. Workshops are normally held the third Wednesday of the month.
3. Member critiques are held informally among members on paint day Wednesdays.
4. Studio painting may be done after the business meeting and on the first, second, fourth, (fifth if applicable) Wednesdays except when a workshop is in session on the third Wednesday.
5. Dates for meetings or workshops may be moved to another Wednesday when necessary. If Littleton schools are closed because of inclement weather, meetings and workshops will be cancelled.
6. Refreshments will be provided by two members for each business meeting and each workshop. Coffee and other refreshment supplies will be paid for by the Guild. The two members bringing the refreshments will make the coffee, set up the refreshment table, clean up at the end, and return the keys to the church office.
7. Social events are normally scheduled for the first Wednesday in December and June.
1. Pay yearly dues in the amount of $50.00 that ensures the financial solvency of the Paint Box Guild. Dues will be paid in full at the first business meeting or when changes in dues are approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the members at the meeting when the changes are proposed.
* An assessment of $15.00 was discussed and voted on for 2023-24 year due to the increase of the Guild's monthly church rental fee to $125.00 per month rent.
*Assessments and fee increases can be discussed and voted on with this new wording.
*The increase in the rental fee is due to inflation and the increase the church is paying for services now needed, eg. cleaning fee of $75.00 is part of our rental fee, additional cost increase in gas and electricity of the church, etc.
2. Must attend a minimum of three business meetings per year.
3. Serve as an officer on the board or as a volunteer on a committee when needed.
4. Help provide refreshments for business meetings and/or workshops, if attending.
5. Hold full voting rights.
6. Must exhibit paintings with the Guild at least two times a year, either in juried or non-juried shows.
7. May choose to paint at the church on non-workshop days.
8. May choose to attend any or all workshops sponsored by the Guild.
9. May attend the December and/or June luncheons.
10.May attend the scheduled Wednesday Summer Painting Outings.
11.May participate in the annual Fall Painting Trip.
1. No limit to Emeritus members but must have been an active member for five years or more.
2. No dues.
3. No voting rights.
4. May not show paintings at any Guild exhibit.
5. Attends Social Functions only.
IV. WORKSHOPS-These workshop policies were voted on and approved at the September 2023 meeting.
1. The Workshop Chairman will schedule workshops on a variety of media, techniques, or themes to meet the interests of the membership.
2. The Workshop Chair will contract with the instructor for a fee of $600.
3. Workshops will be offered on the third Wednesday of each month, September- May, with the exception of December.
4. To participate in a workshop, an Active Member must sign up no later than the business meeting before the workshop. After the business meeting, Associate Members may sign up and pay for the next workshop.
5. Active members not in attendance may call or email the Workshop Chairman to be placed on this list or on a waiting list. The member’s registration is not guaranteed until payment is received by the treasurer.
6. Observation without paying is not allowed.
7. Each workshop must be paid in full at the time the participant signs up.
a. Each workshop costs Active Members a non-refundable fee of $30.00 to participate.
b. Emeritus Members may sign up after Active Members have signed up subject to space available and pay a non-refundable fee of $35.00.
c. Non-members may sign up after members have signed up. Non-members may sign up subject to space availability. Non-members will pay a non-refundable fee of $40.00.
8. Workshop cancellation
a. Cancellation by the Guild: The decision will be made by the President and the Workshop Chairman.
b. The workshop artist may cancel the workshop.
c. If Littleton Schools are closed because of inclement weather, the workshop will be cancelled.
d. Participants may apply the fee for a cancelled workshop to a different workshop or receive a refund.
9. Attendance
a. Workshops begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Participants are to be ready at this time.
b. It is the responsibility of the member to find a replacement if that member cannot attend.
c. No refund is applicable if the member or non-member cannot attend.
1. The Guild promotes the creation of original fine arts by its members.
2. Art works accepted for juried shows will be of the highest standards of originality in subject and composition.
3. The re-creation of a copyrighted image as a painting will not be accepted.
1. Members must follow the “Guidelines for Paint Box Guild Exhibitions.”
2. Members may display, at any one time, a maximum of four (4) photos of their work on the Guild's website in the Members Gallery.
3. The Guild does not carry insurance for loss or damage to exhibited artwork.
4. The Exhibition Committee will set the entry fee, if any, and the number of
entries allowed per member for each exhibition, depending upon hanging space.
5. The Committee may designate the size of the paintings to be accepted.
6. Frames, mats and glass must be in good, clean condition.
7. Wires must be in place for hanging. Saw tooth hangers may only be used on very small works for sale exhibitions, but are not permitted for regular or juried shows.
8. Exhibition identification cards are supplied by the Guild Exhibition Committee.
a. The ID card must include this information: title, medium, price, name of artist, and phone number.
b. One ID card is attached to the lower right hand corner and another ID card is attached to the back of the painting.
9. An Exhibit Submission Form must be filled out by the artist for each venue.
a. Each form must include this information: title, name of the artist, phone number, venue, date, title of artwork, medium, and price.
b. The form is given to the exhibition registrar.
10. Personal business cards may be attached to back of the piece of art work.
11. Members will deliver and pick up paintings according to the schedule given by the Exhibition Committee. Paintings must not be dropped off or picked up outside of the times designated by the Exhibit Committee chair.
1. The Exhibition Committee will prepare a Prospectus for each juried exhibition and distribute a copy to each member of the Guild.
2. The Prospectus will state the requirements regarding recency and originality.
3. Paintings done in workshops or classes or under the direction of an instructor will not be eligible. However, work done in a workshop using the member’s original photography, set-up, or plein air setting without the instructor touching it, is acceptable.
4. Failure to follow Guild Policy will result in disqualification of the member from entering any Guild shows for one full year.
5. In the event of questioned originality, the Exhibition Committee and the President will determine acceptance of the work.
1. The Exhibition Committee will inform members of a commission on painting sales charged by the exhibition site.
2. If no commission is charged by the exhibition site, the member will pay a 10% commission to the Guild for the sale of each painting in a Guild show.
1. The Bylaws permit the Travel Committee to organize outings, plein air painting, and other trips for the purpose of painting and visiting interesting locales. Members must sign a waiver of liability. This waiver is to be renewed every five (5) years.
1. Cards from the Guild will be sent to members for illness of the member.
2. Flowers from the Guild will be sent to a member’s family in the event of the death of the member or the immediate family of a member.
3. Cards may be sent from the Guild to recognize other events, such as family illness, member accomplishments, or as a thank-you for assistance to the Guild.
1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws will be discussed at a monthly meeting one month before a vote is taken at the next meeting.
2. Members not in attendance at the meeting where the discussion and vote occur will be notified of the change(s) by the minutes of the meeting.
Ratified October 1988; amended March 1999, March 2001, May 2002, April 2005, May 2006, May 2008, January 2011, April 2017, January 2023, November 2023.